✍🏻 Nori Otis | MPhil Global Health student at the University of Bergen
Nori is a Content Lead at Write in the Loop, and alongside this is pursuing a MPhil degree in Global Health. In this article, Nori shares the her academic and career journey so far, in an effort to inspire others and relieve the stress many feel about choosing a future career at a young age.
I've dreamt of being a doctor since I was young. 🏥
During my A levels I didn’t receive the necessary predicted grades to apply for medicine, which also reflected in my results.
Many people who want a career in medicine tend to reapply if they do not get in the first time around but I decided against this at the time.
I applied to a course I knew I would find interesting; microbiology. I soon realised I was a big fan of infectious diseases, epidemiology, and really enjoyed writing my final-year dissertation.
Next, I undertook some work placements both in a GP practice and a radiology department. If I'm being honest, I was quite bored and demoralised at the hospital.
I had to think about my motivations for medicine. Is it the prestige? The money? The learning?
I figured it would be a good way to find out what lifestyle and type of work are important to me. Personally, my environment is very important to me, and so is peace.
Learning is a big aspect of what I want for my career, so I’m now thinking maybe academia is the way to go.
Medicine is a long degree, career, and financial investment to go for and I’m still not sure if this is for me. Hence, I have recently embarked on a master's programme in global health to see if I have any other interests.
Professor of Behavioural Science and Author of Think Big, Dr Grace Lordan, provided insight into how to craft a career for yourself, on Ex-Doctor, Content Creator, and Business Owner, Ali Abdaal’s Deep Dive podcast. From this, I have been inspired to find a job and build a career around tasks which I find fulfilling on a daily basis, or that at least push me towards a long-term goal. Although, I'm still unsure what this means to me now.
Speaking to others in a range of careers has helped me overcome doubts about my own thoughts and journey, and shown me the bigger picture of what a job and career means to them. 💬
Evidently, this has been one of the biggest decisions, probably stemming from a place of embarrassment and my own expectations at wanting to change my career path, before I'd even started one.
Life isn’t all about work and pursuing a master's means I get to explore more of my own academic and personal interests. This time I've had time to reflect has also made me realise the privilege of my circumstances and the options which are available.
I am super excited about this masters.
Will I regret not reapplying for medicine and taking a couple more years to explore? I doubt it, it's not that deep.

Written by: Nori Otis (Content Lead)

Edited by: Grace Pountney (Founder and Director)